Coaching in London for health, wellness and thriving

Dr Hung D Tran, MBBS

physician, facilitator, mentor

Hello, I’m Hung and my deepest joy is accompanying people as they come home to themselves. When you are present to life as it is, you are home and the life you were meant to live makes itself visible.

The premise of my work is that lasting healing and transformation can only happen through insights.




Insights are profound realisations capable of radically changing your life

For nearly three decades, I have been immersed in various traditions of human healing and transformation. These encompass practices rooted in Buddhist meditation, Daoist philosophy, Acupuncture, Western and Chinese medicine, The Three Principles, and Alchemical Healing.

I have come to see that the essence of healing and transformation is a correction of perception


Training & Experience 

Since 1998, I have been practising Western and Far Eastern medicine, running a successful acupuncture practice in Central London until 2020. Meditation in the Buddhist tradition has been integral to my life since age 12, immersing myself in the study and practice of two Mahayana lineages. In 2017, I pioneered the first mentorship program in Classical Acupuncture in the UK. I now work as a consultant, mentor, and educator.

Dr Hung Tran is an outstanding teacher and mentor. His guidance, whilst gentle, is powerful. Despite his extensive clinical experience and profound wisdom, Dr Tran remains touchingly humble and approachable.
— Michelle Aris

My Approach

I help people reconnect with their innate wholeness and create the conditions for healing to unfold. Blending medical knowledge with presence-centred facilitation, I guide individuals and practitioners to attune to the deeper intelligence that emerges in the space between us—the relational field—where true healing and transformation naturally arise.


For individuals

  • As a physician, I help individuals discover their own unique medicine and access their remarkable self-healing capacity. This is mainly accomplished through insightful conversations and when helpful, I use acupuncture, or meditation, Daoist life nourishing practices, essential oils and flower essences.


  • I am open to speaking to acupuncture and other healthcare groups and colleges about the remarkable impact that deep presence can have on their life and work. I also welcome inspiring collaborations.

    If you are interested in having a dialogue about how I might be able to work with you, your group or organisation, please get in touch.

    My work is conducted in person and online.

For groups

  • I offer workshops, retreats and in-depth training for facilitators. For healthcare professionals, I provide support in deepening their understanding of healing, discovering their unique expression and sharing that with the world.



Discover a groundbreaking approach to health, wellness and thriving.
