Coaching in London for health, wellness and thriving
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Events & Courses

Explore upcoming day courses, workshops and mentoring programs in health and healing. Hung Tran offers regular courses, both in person and online, for both beginners and experienced practitioners.




Discovering Sanctuary

WEEKLY sessions | Thursdays 7-8pm

Meditation is an indispensable tool for healing mind and body, regardless of our religious or spiritual beliefs. Particularly helpful is working with the idea of establishing a sanctuary - a safe space of stillness that everyone can access.


Attuned Resonance Healing

Sundays at 4pm - online

March 30 | April 6 & 20 | May 4 & 25 | June 8 & 22 | July 6 & 20

A sophisticated healing practice that combines medical practice, acupuncture, and the Daoist healing arts. The sessions were developed to support and facilitate healing from any location. 

Live group call twice a month via Zoom


Three Sunday Sessions

A series of live and recorded online sessions

dates coming soon

These series of three Sunday sessions with Hung are a chance to gather in community to explore the timeless healing principles and practices encoded by the acupuncture channel system and early Daoist medicine. The sessions are a heartfelt journey to awaken our inner physician, empowering us to heal our body, balance emotions and illuminate our wild and loving heart. Open to everyone. 


The Embodied Acupuncturist

A live and recorded online session offered every other month

dates coming soon

An invitation into relaxed and informal community of acupuncturists, exploring the implications and embodiment of presence and its application to a sustainable acupuncture practice.


The En-Dao Space

9 MONTH IN-PERSON training

October 2024 - June 2025 | Central London

A training in the five aspects of transformative presence, the En-Dao Space is a journey exploring the state, space and spark that makes for successful facilitation in your practice with clients.
