Disrupting sickness & pro/curing Health (Part 2)


Following on from the previous article - Part 1:

What is my body trying to tell me?

For over a decade, that familiar cycle of stress and tension showed up every six months as a painful and debilitating bout of arthritis. At one point my blood pressure also raised tremendously and became resistant to all treatments. 

Despite being trained in allopathic and classical Daoist medicine, as well as having access to a plethora of knowledge and support and a long term meditation practice, I still hadn’t managed to shift my sickness. 

I knew that the methods, techniques and practices weren’t to blame, but I began to doubt that they could work for me. It was easy at times to become discouraged and even to experience periods of despair. 

Clearly my body was asking me to change something about myself. As the years progressed, it was literally screaming at me and could no longer be silenced or soothed. 

Yet, although I knew that I needed to change, I still couldn't figure out what or how.

From ‘lockdown’ to release

For about 18 months during the pandemic, I, like many others, had an opportunity to rest and reflect upon how I showed up and served in life and at work. I reflected on my effectiveness, and how much ease, or lack of it, I had experienced in life and in over 25 years in clinical practice. 

Through conscientious self-help, self care and spiritual immersion, my life has been considerably up-levelled over that time, but there was still a missing piece of the puzzle that hadn’t yet landed.

The fact that there remained something deeper and yet to be seen, was communicating to me via physical symptoms and sickness - an urging not to rest content, but to change, to grow, and transform.

I knew that the therapies, techniques and practices of my professional training were important and could often produce astounding results. But a quiet voice within encouraged me to pose a radical and dangerous question.

Eventually, when I could ignore it no longer, I plucked up the courage to pose the question I feared: “What if everything I know about medicine, acupuncture, health and healing was wrong?”

It was one of those deeply uncomfortable questions - the type that makes you feel incredibly vulnerable and exposed. But it was also one that I knew held enormous breakthrough potential in every area of my life.

The power of the Mastermind

Around the same time, my friend Edwin and I formed a mastermind. Since then we’ve met consistently every Friday to talk about each other’s lives and to support each other’s work and goals. 

A mastermind isn’t just a chat to get things off your chest, though it can sometimes begin that way. Rather it's a dynamic and intentional exchange, in which insights are supercharged and breakthroughs are amplified. 

Originally conceived by author Napoleon Hill, a mastermind is a meeting of two or more people, where the sole aim of all parties is to help the other(s) to succeed in work and life.

When that happens a special energy is activated. It’s something bigger than us, something ineffable and numinous, abundant and vibrant. This energy produces a great deal of insights and up-levels our ability to show up and serve.

In a way, you might see this as an energetic equivalent to the stress response outlined above. Whereas the latter is a complex process designed to change our mind and physiology to quickly escape a threat, the mastermind is a similarly powerful process designed to attune the body and mind to wellness and success.

And rather than provide a short burst of heightened arousal, the mastermind produces an even and continual form of energy - one that is geared towards the development of clarity, confidence and certainty.

In short, through the mastermind I discovered yet another missing piece of the ‘transformation’ puzzle.

And as a result of all of this, I’ve experienced a tremendous up-levelling of my energy, happiness and health. The way I show up and serve others has been massively impacted, with better outcomes with patients and a greater sense of ease in my work.

Disrupt & Pro/cure

To conclude, whilst practices and therapies are important, it is shifting the framework that’s most important.

The therapies and practices create a container for the breakthroughs to occur. But it is the intentional presence of the practitioner and the willingness of the client to be supported and facilitated that makes magical transformations happen.

What I’m now discovering is that all pathways to health and healing converge at a single point. 

They converge at the intersection between disruption and pro/curement - or more precisely, between a disruption of the framework of illness and scarcity, and the pro/curing of innate health and abundance. 

As I hope to discuss in further articles, in reality these two different aspects of transformation turn out to be like two sides of the same coin.

Having mapped out these breakthroughs in detail, I’m now sharing important aspects of them with my mentoring community and facilitating my clients.

What is the essence of that process?

It is intentionally seeking to disrupt the conceptual framework of illness and scarcity, and instead create one that pro/cures health and abundance instead.


H.E.A.L. Training program coming soon

The HEAL training is a 9-month journey of personal transformation. It is designed to disrupt dis-ease and limitation and instead procure innate health and thriving. The result is an up-leveling in all aspects of your life and work. 

Thursdays twice per month, 7-9 U.K. time on Zoom commencing October 2022 until June 2023