3 steps to mastering anything
“Space is not empty. It is full, a plenum as opposed to a vacuum, and is the ground for the existence of everything, including ourselves. The universe is not separate from this cosmic sea of energy.”
- James Clear
Mastering is to become skilled, proficient, or expert in a chosen area of interest. Here our chosen field of interest is qigong.
There are three key questions you need to give consideration to in order to master anything :
Why: "Why am I practicing qigong?" - Setting your goals
What: "What will I do to achieve my goals?" - The practical methods for achieving your goals
How: "How do I measure my progress & track my habits?" - Measuring your progress & habits
1. Setting your goals
Ask yourself - "Why am I practicing qigong?
Make a list of health the top 1-3 health goals you'd like to achieve.
Make the goals as specific and personal to you as possible. You can always review and change them later on. For example - to heal back pain, or to feel more energised in the afternoon, get better sleep, etc...
Below is a progress chart template for you to download and print off. You can use this to track your progress each week :
Write down your goals on the left hand column. Before you start practicing qigong - write down the top 1-3 health goals you'd like to achieve. Followed by any other health goals you'd like to improve.
Every week, for example on a Sunday evening, or whenever you prefer, sit down and review the score to see what improvements you've noticed. Make a note of a question you'd like to ask at the next webinar. This way you'll be improving and refining your practice over time.
2. What you should practice
Use the 5 steps of qi cultivation as a template for building a sustainable and effective qigong practice. The entire sequence is in this video.
Gradually build up a practice of between 5-15 minutes a day to include all 5 steps of qi cultivation.
To help you, please commit to your practice by writing down :
"I will practice qigong for (X) minutes, (Y) per day."
(X) write down the amount of time that you can commit to each session.
(Y) the number of sessions you're going to practice each day.
The ideal number of times is twice per day.
Start off by committing to practice once per day.
What are the ideal times to practice?
Ideal times to practice is in the morning (about 5 minutes after drinking 2 glasses of still, plain, room temperature, or warm water) and about an hour before bed. However please practice at a time that is suitable for you. The most important thing is to commit to at least 1 practice session daily.
3. How to track your new habits
"How do I measure my progress & track my habits?"
Here is a printable page to track your habits each day :
Write down the left hand column a habit you'd like to track.
For example :
- Entering stillness for 1 minute
- Practice the Earth movement for 1 minutes
Start off slowly and gradually add a new habit every few days. Be realistic with yourself to ensure that you can sustain the practice.
Tick off or fill in the days you've practiced.
How to Motivate Yourself
Using the combination of the weekly progress chart and daily habit tracker you'll be able to see your progress each week. This will motivate you to practice each day.
There is no room for perfectionism here. This should not be a chore but good fun. You'll definitely experience deeper and deeper levels of benefits as you develop a sustainable and enjoyable practice.